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Title Bonezegei List: Simple Arduino Library for Linked List
Posted by Jofel Batutay
Authors Batutay, Jofel
Publication date 2023
Abstract A linked list is a data structure that allows dynamic storage and manipulation of data. A linked list consists of nodes, each containing a value and a pointer to the next node in the list. Linked lists are useful for applications that require frequent insertion and deletion of data, such as queues and stacks. However, implementing linked lists on microcontrollers can be challenging due to memory constraints and low-level programming (Linked List, 2023). Bonezegei List is a simple Arduino library that provides an easy way to create and use linked lists on microcontrollers. The library supports basic operations such as push and pop. Follow the installation steps at on how to install bonezegei libraries on Arduino IDE (Batutay, 2023).
Index terms / Keywords Bonezegei, Arduino Library, Linked List