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Title Automated Safe AWD Rice Irrigation Scheduling using Low-Power WAN Technology
Posted by Apple Rose Alce
Authors Apple Rose B. Alce, Michael A. Nabua, Adrian P. Galido
Conference 7th Information System International Conference (ISICO)
Abstract Farmers in a particular area of the Southern Philippines have confirmed that droughts have affected their rice farms, compelling them to lessen their cropping annually until enough water resources become available. This influenced them to seek alternative irrigation techniques. This study creates a system that implements an alternate wetting and drying technique-based irrigation scheduling to cover a whole rice cropping season through water level and soil moisture sensing. The system is available to three rice growth varieties; short, medium, and long. System development includes implementing SMS for notification, a low-power wide area network, and utilizing an IoT dashboard for data visualization.
Index terms / Keywords Safe AWD; Rice farming; Automated irrigation; Wide area networks; Monitoring